I/O: 8255 OUTPUT
with LCD panel
(Bill of Materials)
Eagle CAD: 8255, 2x16 LCD
16x2 LCD Pinout
LCD Write Operation
LCD Configuration: Bit Definition Modes
In this circuit, we replaced the '574 and LED bar graph with a
(16 columns by 2 rows)
parallel LCD panel.
The 1602-type LCD panel can use 4-bit or 8-bit data lines; 4-bit means multiplexing the 4 data lines
which makes the coding a little more complex. We have all 8 data lines available
on 8255
port A so we'll use them for 8-bit mode. Adjacent is a schematic for the circuit
that includes the LCD panel.
The adjacent LCD Write
chart shows the order of operation to output characters
to the LCD. Essentially, it indicates the 3 control lines from the 8255 must be
asserted before a control or data byte from the 8255 is sent to the LCD.
To have the control lines and byte read/latched by the LCD, the LCD Enable line is
pulsed high then low.
We used Port B and Port C (low) for
the keypad, so we have Port A and Port C (high) remaining for the LCD. Here's a
summary of how we set up the keypad:
- Port B output
(Keypad OUT in the schematic) sends four
binary combinations (00,01,10,11) to sequentially enable 4 keypad column lines.
- Port C (low) input
(Keypad IN in the schematic) reads the
four column rows to detect a key press when the circuit is made through the
pull-down resistors.
- If the key press occurs while
outputting to column 1, the row read gives us the column/row vector, e.g.,
column 1 row 2 yields the vector C1R2 which was being sent to the LED bar graph
for display. In the next circuit we build, we'll send the key press vector to the LCD for
In this circuit we'll use Port C
(high) for the control lines to the LCD and Port A to send display commands or
display data to the LCD. The adjacent schematic shows the Port C (high) lines as
PC[4..7]; we don't need pin 4, just 5 through 7.
Your Circuit
Z80 IO Output Test
to test your circuit. It contains useful info and a video
demo. |