Using a W65c02 Simulator:

Show the Current ACIA & VIA Registers


A portion of the SBC30 code has been sliced and edited as  SBC30_TestACIA_01.asm to Show the Current ACIA and VIA Registers function that is executed by typing "B", "b", "V" or "v" in the terminal.


The user is not prompted to enter anything.



Oshonsoft 6502 Simulator IDE v1.41



Setup your IDE as shown in the top screenshot.

Enable the Input Terminal with an I/O port of $5000.

Set the "One-Shot IN Value" to "62" for the letter "b".

In the Peripheral Devices window:

- set Device 1 to be an INput on port $5000 with a value of 62

- set Device 2 to be an INput on port $5001 with a value of 12

- set Device 3 to be an INput on port $5002 with a value of 03

- set Device 4 to be an INput on port $5003 with a value of 18

Adjust the 3 Memory Editors to show addresses $0000 and $5000.


App Operation:

Using the FlashROM code, here are the only keystrokes needed to produce the adjacent lower screenshot:

- Press Reset button

- b v



The only BP needed is at the last RTS for the Show ACIA Registers function: 327.


Use <CTRL><F6> to get you to the breakpoints, use <F2> at each to get a feel for what is occurring, then continue to the next BP using <CTRL><F6>.


IDE Operation:

If you wish to burn the code to flashROM, try this latest build: SBC30_0_R8.bin

Oshonsoft 6502 Simulator IDE

(Click to Enlarge)




ASCII Terminal





Updated 2023-09-24 @ 8am