Using a W65c02 Simulator:

Copy a range from high-mem to low-mem


A portion of the SBC30 code has been sliced and edited as  SBC30_TestCOPY_01.asm to show the Copy a Range of Memory function that is executed by typing "C" or "c" in the terminal.

The user is prompted to enter:
- a 4-digit hex SOURCE address in high-mem

- a 4-digit hex DESTINATION address in low-mem

- a 4-digit hex value specifying the number of bytes



Oshonsoft 6502 Simulator IDE v1.41



Setup your IDE as shown in the top screenshot.

Enable the Input Terminal with an I/O port of $5000.

Set the "One-Shot IN Value" to "43" for the letter "C".

Within the Input Terminal, click "Send Hex Bytes" and enter "38,30,30,31,31,30,30,31,31,33,30,31" without the quotes. The first 4 hex numbers are the SOURCE address $8001, the next 4 are DESTINATION address $1001, and the final four are $1301 which is the number of bytes to copy.

Adjust the 3 Memory Editors to show addresses $0000, $8000 and $1000.


App Operation:

Using the FlashROM code, here are the keystrokes needed to produce the adjacent lower screenshot:

- Press Reset button

- Z    2200    00

- C    8000    1000   2300

- D    2200



251, 266, 281, 299, 308, 320.

Use <CTRL><F6> to get you to the breakpoints, use <F2> at each to get a feel what is occurring, then continue to the next BP using <CTRL><F6>.


IDE Operation:

If you wish to burn the code to flashROM, try this latest build: SBC30_0_R2.bin

Oshonsoft 6502 Simulator IDE

(Click to Enlarge)




ASCII Terminal





Updated 2023-09-17 @ 8am