Using a W65c02 Simulator:

Dump a 256-byte block of data starting at a specific address


A portion of the SBC30 code has been sliced and edited as  SBC30_TEST_OS_04g.asm to show the Dump Block function that is executed by typing "D" or "d" in the terminal.

The user is prompted to enter a 4-digit address. The result is the address is echoed and 256 bytes of data at the starting address are dumped in a grid to the display.

Example: At address $8000 we find the beginning of our FlashROM code.



Oshonsoft 6502 Simulator IDE v1.45



Setup your IDE as shown in the top screenshot.

We have included a few SKIP: labels so we can focus solely on populating the left column with the line number, example $8000.

Within the Input Terminal, click "Send Hex Bytes" and enter "38,30,30,30".  Later on, try "38,30,38,30" to see if the address counter rolls over properly from $80F0 to $8100.

Within the large Assembler window set a breakpoint on line 2168 so we can see the address counter rollover.

Left-click then right-click in the narrow white space column between line number 2168 and instruction "lda #$30"  to set the symbol "BP" (it's a breakpoint). Set another at line 2183 so the app will not restart once completed.

Adjust one of the Memory Editors to show address $0000.

Adjust a second Memory Editor to show addresses $0200.


IDE Operation:

If you wish to burn the code to flashROM, try this latest build: SBC30_0_R9g.bin

Oshonsoft 6502 Simulator IDE

(Click to Enlarge)


FlashROM Burner


ASCII Terminal










Updated 2023-10-25 @ 8am