Using a W65c02 Simulator:

Read a byte from any address


A portion of the SBC30 code has been sliced and edited as  SBC30_TestBlock_g.asm to show the Read Byte function that is executed by typing "R" or "r" in the terminal. The user is prompted to enter a 4-digit address. The result is the address is echoed, the addressed byte is interpreted as ASCII if possible, and then is shown as its raw hex value.

Example: At address $8003 we find ASCII "X" which has the hex value $58.



Oshonsoft 6502 Simulator IDE



Setup your IDE as shown in the top screenshot.

Enable the Input Terminal with an I/O port of $5000.

Within the Input Terminal, click Send Hex Bytes and enter 00,38,30,30,33.

Within the large Assembler window set a breakpoint on line 312 (left-click then right-click in the narrow white space column between line number 312 and instruction RTS) so the app will not restart once completed.

Adjust one of the Memory Editors to show address $0000. Addresses $0000 to $0009 show the indexed addresses for the various buffers.

Adjust a second Memory Editor to show addresses $0200+: these are the buffers pointed to by the indexed addresses.

Add a third Memory Editor and choose Track R/W in the Focus SP (Stack Pointer) box in the bottom left window corner.


IDE Operation:

Unnecessary functions for the IDE test have been edited out of the code with four semi-colons so that the test run won't be as long. The semi-colons will be removed when the ROM is flashed with SBC30_8m.bin

Oshonsoft 6502 Simulator IDE

(Click to Enlarge)




Updated 2023-09-12 @ 8am