Project 40:
AVR or ESP32-C3 LED Tubes



AVR v1.1: Schematic, Board Layout, PCB Top, Demo (v1.1)


AVR v1.1 Bill of Materials



ESP32 v2.1: Schematic, Board Layout, PCB Top, Demo (v2.0)


ESP32 v2.1 Bill of Materials with Price & Vendor



This design contains either an AVR (Arduino UNO-compatible) or an ESP32 microcontroller.

The AVR displays date & time as well as temperature & humidity.

The ESP32 displays time,  temperature & humidity & BP on 4-digit 7-segment LED modules or "tubes".


Note: AVR version uses RTC and must be rebooted periodically while connected to a PC to get an accurate time. ESP32 version connects to the Internet often to get the current time.


AVR Components:

Vendors: Adafruit Metro Mini 328 v2 with AliExpress_4-digit_7-segment_LED_Module

AVR Arduino Code:  TM1637_4x7-segment_AHT10-RTC-PIR.ino


ESP32 Components:

Vendors: ESP32-C3 Dev Board with AliExpress_4-digit_7-segment_LED_Module

Info on microcontroller board:

ESP32 Arduino Code:  ESP32_TM1637RT_BME_PIR_LDR__5.ino







Updated 2025-02-23 @ 8am