When we left off with page 'SKETCHES: Graphic LCDs I', we were working
with the 3.3v (let's call it 3v3) Arduino Pro Mini and the 3v3 Nokia
5110 84w x 48h LCD graphic display. We used the
U8g2 library because it contained both a RAM-sparing text mode as well as
a very flexible graphics mode that will accommodate almost any LCD
panel and controller. In this lab, we're going to continue using SPI for communication and work with the BME280 Temperature/Humidity/Baro Pressure/Altitude sensor. The Adafruit BME280 sensor supports both SPI and I2C communication and has built-in level shifting for 3v3 or 5v operation. Try the Adafruit bme280test.ino sketch found in the 'Examples' folder of the Adafruit_BME280 library. Note that is has not been configured for SPI. Alternatively, try this one which has been configured for SPI: BME280_Test.ino You will need the serial monitor to see the sensor working. Once you're done, try out Nokia-BME280.ino which combines the Nokia5110_U8G2_DrawRect.ino sketch with the BME280_Test-FB.ino sketch so you can observe the sensor working on the Nokia display instead of the serial monitor, as shown in the adjacent .gif file.
Adafruit BME280 pinout for SPI comm:
Adafruit BME280 Library installation slideshow Repeat the actions above for 'Adafruit Unified Sensor'. instead of 'Adafruit BME280'. Bosch BME280 Datasheet, Adafruit BME280 Library1 U8G2 graphics drivers Frequently Asked Questions. |
Vendor 1: BME280 product
Vendor 2: BME280 product Vendor 2: Hookup Guide
Vendor 3: BME280 product
Here is some information on how to use millis() to invoke a function every elapsed time period. It's more efficient than delay() and is used in the Nokia-BME280.ino sketch: the BME is tested upon power up and then every 5 minutes. The user is advised if the sensor fails. In loop(), millis() is called twice. The first is the aforementioned 5-minute timer. The second is a 10-second timer to determine if there has been a change in barometric pressure - has it gone [U]p, [D]own, or is it the [S]ame which is displayed in the top center of the display over the one-second activity indicator.
RTC = Real Time Clock Only the more expensive RTCs support SPI comm so we'll stick with one of the less expensive ones that support I2C comm: PCF8523 or DS1307. Adafruit PCF8523 is the best 3v3 choice for Arduino Pro Mini or any newer 3v3 board. - PCF8523 RTC supports 3v3 or 5v, I2C comm. - DS1307 supports 5v, I2C comm. - IDE library: Sketch|Include Library|RTClib - RTClib supports DS1307, DS3231, and PCF8523.
Try the adjacent pcf8523.ino sketch first with your serial monitor set to 9600. Then run it again after you have commented-out line 23 so that it won't use the internal PC clock, but instead will use its battery-saved clock. Confirm proper operation by hitting the Arduino Reset button and reconnecting the Serial Monitor app.
In the adjacent sketch, pcf8523-lean.ino, we have replaced the serial monitor code with LCD display code and added a few other cosmetic features. |
Vendor 1: PCF8523 RTC or DS1307 RTC w/ battery Vendor 2: DS1307 RTC w/ battery Vendor 3: DS1307 RTC w/ battery